A native of Mississippi, Mr. Buck, son of a Methodist minister, moved with his parents to Southwest Texas at the age of twelve. After attending local public schools and Southwestern University at Georgetown, Texas, he spent several years in newspaper work. In 1910 he became interested In Insurance, and from 1938 was Vice President of Great American Insurance Company, New York, in charge of its western department at Chicago. His hobbies were historical research, fishing and amateur photography. He was a member of the Texas State Historical Association and a life member of the Minnesota Historical Society.

Mr. Buck passed away August 26,1949, before this book went to press. He read the final proofs, however. Mr. Buck reached San Antonio before active work of restoration of the mission began, and as a lad, he often visited them. The painstaking care evident in planning the missions; the crumbling walls of the buildings and cloisters; the faint traces of the ancient irrigation systems; San Antonio's narrow, crooked streets; the sinuous windings of the river, and the carefree disposition of the people of the area fired his youthful imagination and inspired him to spend many years in study and research in developing the historical background of one of the most charming localities on the continent.

Yanaguana's Successors is the result.





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